Sunday, April 20, 2014

New Meal # 4-Pan Seared Redfish topped w/ Crabmeat and Lemon Butter Sauce!!

This meal was different, the husband thought it was GOOD but the wife not so much. I don't know what taste I was looking for but I didn't get it. However, I'm still winning with the husband " I like this" he said. 8 more!!!

Happy Easter!!!
Non-Cooking Wife

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lagniappe Meal-Pork Chops!

The lagniappe dish was really good! Only one request from the husband MORE Gravy!!!!!!
Keep it Going!!
The Non-Cooking Wife

5 years! I'm Now the Cooking Wife

After FIVE years I can NOW officially say, I'm the cooking wife! There has been  many wins and loses in the kitchen. I have learned so m...