Monday, August 4, 2014

New Meal # 6-Pork Fried Rice & Chicken Kabobs

The wife thought she would try to cook something she KNEW was super easy. Oh no, fried rice is not as easy as I thought and the husband agreed. "Those peas, no something is just not right."  The can veggies were not my friend; I now know I should have used dry peas and carrots. Now, the Kabobs were GOOD, however, the husband wasn't very fond of the pineapples.  I guess I was feeling myself.  6 more new meals!
The Adventures Never Stop!!!

Dusting myself off
The Non-Cooking Wife!!

5 years! I'm Now the Cooking Wife

After FIVE years I can NOW officially say, I'm the cooking wife! There has been  many wins and loses in the kitchen. I have learned so m...