Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Corn and Crawfish Bisque

This was an easy one as well, Buttercup loves corn and soft stuff-she had two portions.  On the other hand Dad doesn't like  Bisque, SOUPS or "whatever" for dinner, he ate very little. However, he did say it was good!

You can't win them all!!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017


We love Sam's Club for the bulk diapers and wipes, so I decided to purchase apple slices, b/c thank Goodness she loves FRUIT! Well there's only sooo many apple slices a ONE YEAR can eat before she gets tired and  they go bad.  Before  I let that happen, I made APPLESAUCE! She enjoyed it, only for one day,  but I know now I can make it.

It's the little things!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Beef Stew

Okay, I'm starting to feel myself as I did with Dad, our little sweetie pie LOVED the stew, I even got the scoot dance, like give me MORE.  Although,  DAD did not set a good example by picking over his carrots, COME on DAD!

Doing Good!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sauteed Chicken, Green beans & Cheese Rice

After the pork chops, I thought let's keep this going, she has Always loved chicken, make it special this time. Sooo, I sauteed the chicken and made from scratch, for the FIRST time-Cheese Rice. Yes, I know it's a simple dish, but I never thought about doing it before and it tasted GREAT, despite looking like GRITS! Check out the before and after pics. This little girl is GOOD for my EGO!  

Of course she didn't eat all of her veggies

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Baked Pork Chops

My new little food taster seems to like my cooking, I wonder if it's because she can't say she doesn't like.  However, the baked pork chops were a success and  I'll take what I can get for now.  I think I heard mmmmm!

5 years! I'm Now the Cooking Wife

After FIVE years I can NOW officially say, I'm the cooking wife! There has been  many wins and loses in the kitchen. I have learned so m...